Thursday, April 23, 2015

Recommemded Readings and Required Readings For RCC Holy Orders

Introduction to Celtic Christianity – BOLDED + 1 REQUIRED
James P. Mackey, An Introduction to Celtic Christianity
Davies & Bowie, editors, Celtic Christian Spirituality: An Anthology of Medieval and Modern Sources
George G. Hunter III, The Celtic Way of Evangelism: How Christianity Can Reach the West . . . Again!
George G. Hunter III, The Celtic Way of Prayer, rev. 2010
J. Philip Newell, The Book of Creation: An Introduction to Celtic Spirituality, 1999
Timothy J. Joyce, Celtic Christianity
Ted Olsen, Christianity and the Celts
Thomas Cahill; How the Irish Saved Civilization
Nigel Pennick; The Celtic Saints
Bede; The History of the English Church and People
Adomnan; The Life of St. Columba
Ian Bradley, Celtic Christian Communities

Celtic Spirituality – 1 rEQUIRED
J. Philip Newell, Christ of the Celts: The Healing of Creation, 2009
Neil Kennedy-Jones, Gerlinde Kennedy-Jones, and Andrew M Seddon, Walking with the Celtic Saints: A Devotional, 2004
Esther de Waal, The Celtic Way of Prayer, 1999
J. Philip Newell, Listening for the Heartbeat of God
Shirley Toulson; The Celtic Year
Brendan Lehane; The Quest of the Three Abbots / Early Celtic Christianity
Flavia Anderson; The Ancient Secret
Esther de Waal; Every Earthly Blessing
Michael Mitton; The Soul of Celtic Spirituality in the lives of its Saints
Edward Selner; The Wisdom of the Celtic Saints
Fr. David Adam; Fire of the North: The Life of St. Cuthbert
Taylor; The Coming of the Saints
Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God
Christopher Bamford and William Parker Marsh, Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness

Spirituality and Asceticism  - 1 REQUIRED
Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul
Thomas Moore, The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life
Karl Rahner, On Prayer
St. John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul
Richard Gribble, The History and Devotion of the Rosary
John Michael Talbot, The Music of Creation

Biblical Studies – 2 REQUIRED
William Barclay, Introducing the Bible
Harry Emerson Fosdick, Modern Use of the Bible
G. E. Wright, Biblical Archaeology
John Shelby Spong, Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism
John Shelby Spong, Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes
Bernhard W. Anderson, Understanding the Old Testament

Theology – bold + 1 required
+Taoiseach Thomas Faulkenbury, The Life and Teachings of St. Morgan of Wales (essay) here.
+Taoiseach Thomas Faulkenbury, Universalism in the Christian and Celtic Traditions (essay)... click here.
+Taoiseach Thomas Faulkenbury, And God Said It Was Good (essay)... click here.
Evelyn Underhill, An Anthology of the Love of God
Gerry Beauchemin, Hope Beyond Hell
Eric Stetson, Christian Universalism: God's Good News For All People
Neal Punt, A Theology of Inclusivism
Brian D. McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy
Bruce Bawer, Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity
Philip Gulley & James Mulholland, If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person
John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change or Die
John Shelby Spong, A New Christianity for a New World
Joan O’Grady, Early Christian Heresies
Allison C. FitzSimmons, The Cruelty of Heresy
Matthew Fox, Wrestling with the Prophets
William Barclay, The Apostles’ Creed for Every Man

Apologetics – bolded REQUIRED
Matthew Fox, Creation Spirituality
Matthew Fox, Original Blessing
Matthew Fox & Rupert Sheldrake, Natural Grace
Matthew Fox, Confessions: The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest
Karen Jo Torjesen, When Women Were Priests
Dorthee Soelle, On Earth as in Heaven: A Liberation Spirituality of Sharing
Barbara Brown Taylor, Gospel Medicine
J.K. Kadowaki S.J., Zen and the Bible: A Priest’s Experience
Donald Miller, Zen and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Sacramental Theology and liturgy – bOLDed rEQUIRED
RCC Disert Missal... click here.
F. E. Warren, The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church
James F. White, Introduction to Christian Worship
Pat Robson, A Celtic Liturgy, 2008
Dom Gregory Dix, Shape of the Liturgy
Daniel P. Guernsey, Adoration: Eucharistic Texts and Prayers Throughout Church History
William John Fitzgerald, A Contemporary Celtic Prayer Book
Northumbrian Community, Celtic Daily Prayer
David Adam, Rhythms of Life
Brendan O’Malley, A Celtic Eucharist
H. Norris, Church Vestments
Harvey Cox, The Feast of Fools: A Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy
Alexander Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica

History bolded + 1 REQUIRED
+Taoiseach Thomas Faulkenbury, Editor, Out of the Mist: Celtic Christianity, Vol.1 
+Taoiseach Thomas Faulkenbury, Editor, Highland Cathedral: Celtic Christianity, Vol. 2
Hans Kung, Christianity: Essence, History, and Future
Matthew Spinka, Christian Thought From Erasmus to Berdyaev
J. B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers
Alice K. Turner, The History of Hell

Pastoral Theology – BOLDED REQUIRED
Robert N. Gray, Managing the Church
Kenneth C. Haugk, Christian Caregiving a Way of Life
D. Dockery, Christian Leadership Essentials, available 4/1/2011

J. Adams, Competent to Counsel, 2010

D. Robbins, Youth Ministry Nuts & Bolts, revised & updated 2010

R. Janney, Who Goes There?, 2009

M. Galli, Beyond Smells & Bells, 2008

M. Wilson, Volunteer Job Descriptions & Action Plans, 2004

J. Knapp, The Graying of the Flock
John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
Lucy Bregman, Beyond Silence & Denial

Rodney Smith, Lessons from the Dying
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying

Harold Ivan Smith, When Your People Are Grieving
William A. Klebsch & Charles R. Jackle, Pastoral Care in Historical Perspective
G. Jung, Psychology and Religion
Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages

William H. Willimon, A Guide to Preaching and Leading Worship
William Evans, How To Prepare Sermons
Jeffrey Bullock, Preaching in a Postmodern World: Gadamer',Philosophical Hermeneutics as Homiletical Conversation
Dave Redick, What is Good Preaching?